
Target 730: Let's learn the formal notification.

As of December 9th, company e-mail addresses will change. All of your e-mail accounts will be migrated to the new system. Your former will be calid until April 30th. From that point new address will work. Therefore, if your current address is XXX@wellmancorp.net, your new address will XXX@wellmangroups.com. Please make sure to let all of the client in your address book know abouth the change. The Webmaster is still Miriam Cates. Any technical queries or concerns should be addressed to her.


1. 〔人が経済的理由{けいざい てき りゆう}で他国{たこく}や他の地域{ちいき}へ〕移住{いじゅう}する、移り住む
2. 〔動物{どうぶつ}が〕渡り[回遊{かいゆう}]をする
3. 《生物》〔胎児{たいじ}の細胞{さいぼう}が〕移動{いどう}[遊走{ゆうそう}]する
