
Apple CEO Steps Down

Apple CEO Steps Down

1. Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced his resignation on Wednesday. In an August 24th letter Mr Jobs stated: "I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no long her meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. "

2. Mr Jobs built the first Apple computer in his garage. Working with Stephen Wozniak, the Apple I was released on April Fool's day, 1976. From the firm's inception*, Mr Jobs designed and marketed Apple computers as user-friendly symbols of a growing American counter-culture.

3. Three years after the release of the Apple Ⅱ, sales increased by 700 percent to 139-million dollars. In 1980, Apple Computer became a publicly traded company with a market value of 1.2-billion dollars.

4. Describe as a modern day Thomas Edison, Mr Jobs has been at the helm of iconic products such as the iPod, the widely popular iTunes service, the iPhone and most recently, the iPad.

5. With his signature black turtleneck and wire-rimmed glasses, Mr Jobs became the public face of Apple. His letter of August 24th closed with the following: "I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it and I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role."

━━動 詞•他動詞
1[III名 詞/that節/wh-節]…をはっきり[正式に, 的確に]述べる, 〈…ということを〉明言[確言, 言明]する, 公表する;…と言う. ▼直接話法も導く
stated quite simply|ごく簡単に言えば(▼文修飾副詞的)
state one's opinions|自分の意見を述べる
state the obvious|言わずもがなのことを言う
as stated above[before]|上述[既述]のとおり
it is stated that ...|…といわれる, という話だ.
2 〈日時価格などを〉決める, 指定する
a stated date|定められた日.
[ラテン語status (stāre立つ+-tus過去分詞語尾=立っている状態). △STATUS, STAND]

名 詞
1U辞職, 辞任;C辞表, 辞職願
the resignation of a cabinet|内閣の総辞職
hand in [=send in, give, offer] one's resignation|辞表を提出する.
2Uあきらめ, (…に対する)忍従⦅to ...⦆
blind resignation to authority|権威に対する盲従
accept one's fate with resignation|運命を甘受する.
3U(権利などの)放棄, 断念⦅of ...⦆.

[基本義:共通の目標に対して部分的な援助をする]動 詞•他動詞[III名 詞(副 詞)]
1 〈金銭食物などを〉(人などに)寄付する;〈援助知識時間労力などを〉(人目的などに)与える, 提供する, ささげる⦅to, for, toward ...⦆
contribute money to a fund|基金に献金する
contribute food for the sufferers|被災者に食糧を提供する
contribute new ideas toward the completion of the work|事業完成に向けて新しいアイデアを提供する.
2 …を(雑誌, 論文集に)寄稿[投稿]する⦅to ...⦆
contribute a story to a monthly magazine|小説を月刊誌に寄稿する.
━━自動詞(←他動詞)[I副 詞]
1 (…に)寄付する;寄与[貢献]する;(…の)一助[一因]となる⦅to, toward ...⦆
contribute to the Red Cross|赤十字社に寄付する
contribute largely to the victory|勝利に大きく貢献する
contribute to one's ruin|身の破滅の一因となる
contribute effectually toward realizing the project|計画実現にあずかって力がある.
2 (雑誌などに)寄稿[投稿]する⦅to ...⦆.
3 (討論授業などで)発言する

1. When did Mr Jobs announce his resignation?
Me: He did it on August 24th.
Te: He announced it on August 24th.

2. Where did he build the first Apple computer?
Me: It was built in his garage.
Te: He built it in his garage.

3. What did Apple Computer become in 1980.
Me: It became a publicly traded company with a market value of 1.2-billion dollars.
Te: It became a publicly traded company.

4. How has Mr Jobs been described?
Me: He was described black turtleneck and wire-rimmed glasses.
Te: He has been described as a modern day Thomas Edision.

5. What does he look forward to.
Me: He looked forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role."
Te: He looks forward to watching and contributing to Apple's success in a new role.

I believe that a consideration of two milestones in the life of Steve Jobs can be most informative. In mid-2004 he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Refusing to succumb, he embarked on a rigorous diet and underwent surgery to remove the tumor.
He recovered and went on to change the face of Silicon Valley. I want to contrast that date with 2007. In that year, Jobs was appointed CEO of rarely sentimental and to grant this sort of permanency to an individual diagnosed with an imminently seriously disease is extraordinary. Obviously he has long been considered an indispensable part of Apple, whose stocks have always fallen following any announcement of medical leave take by Mr Jobs. However, most Apple watchers aren't concerned, as it is clear that Jobs has surrounded himself with some of the brightest and most creative people on the planet. Out of the box thinking will, I believe, continue at Apple, even without Jobs in direct command.
Few companies have tied their fortunes as closely t the efforts of one man as has Apple since 2007. Mac enthusiasts looked forward to keynote speeches by Jobs the same way '60's hippies looked forward to Grateful Dead concerts. Thus far new CEO Tim Cook hasn't summoned enough mojo t remotely compete in this way with Jobs. There are however early days and Apple is a real whopper of a company. For a few hours in August, Apple actually topped Exon-Mobile in held assets. Apple has pockets deep enough to survive in a post-Jobs environment.
I am addicted to all things Apple and desperately want them to continue joining technology, hipness and humanity in their endless surprising products. With or without Steve Jobs, we need Apple's alternative style to balance the technological blandness all too prevent these days.

pancreatic juice|すい液.

動 詞•自動詞⦅形式的⦆
1 (…に)負ける, 屈服する⦅to ...⦆
succumb to one's enemies|敵に降伏する
succumb in a competition [=to the competition [one's competitors]]|競争に敗れる.
2 (…のため)死ぬ⦅to ...⦆
He succumbed to his injuries.|負傷のため死亡した.
[ラテン語succumbere (suc-下に+cumbere横たわる)]

1 〈人規則処置などが〉厳格な, 厳重な;〈気候風土生活などが〉非常にきびしい. ▼暑さには用いない. ⇒STRICT[類語]
rigorous discipline [procedures, examinations]|きびしい規律[処置, 検査]
a rigorous winter|厳冬
be rigorous with one's child|子供に非常に厳格である.
2 きわめて厳密な, 正確な, 綿密な
a rigorous method|厳密な方法
with rigorous accuracy|きわめて正確に
take a word in a strict and rigorous sense|ある語をきわめて厳密な意味に解する.
副 詞
名 詞

tumor, ⦅英⦆-mour/tjúːmər | tjúː-/
名 詞
a malignant [a benign] tumor|悪性[良性]腫瘍.
2 腫(は)れ, ふくらみ, 隆起.
tumorous, ~al

動 詞/kəntrǽst | -trάːst/他動詞
1[III名 詞(副 詞)]〈二者を〉対照する;…を(…と)対比する⦅and, with ...⦆
as contrasted (with ...)|(…と)対照してみると
contrast our product with [and] this new invention|うちの製品とこの新製品を比べる.
2 …と対照をなす, を対照的に引き立たせる
Her white dress was well contrasted by the red rose.|彼女の白い服は赤いバラでとてもよく引き立っていた.
━━自動詞[I(副 詞)](…と)対照をなす, 対照的である, (…との)対照によって引き立つ⦅with ...⦆
Her kind words contrasted strikingly with her cold treatment. [=Her kind words and her cold treatment contrasted strikingly. ]|彼女の親切な言葉と冷淡な扱い方とはひどく対照的であった.
━━名 詞/kάntræst | kɔ́ntrɑːst/⦅形式的⦆
1U(…との)対比, 対照⦅to, with ...⦆
in marked [sharp, stark] contrast to [with] ...|…と大いに異なり
by contrast with ...|…と比べることによって
stand in contrast (to ...)|(…と)対照をなす.
2 (対照からくる)(…の)著しい差異[相違]⦅between ...⦆
bring out the contrast between appearance and reality|外見と実際の相違を明らかにする
form [offer, present] a contrast to [with] ...|…との相違を示す.
3⦅通例 a ~⦆(…に比して)対照的な物[人]⦅to ...⦆
The black walls are a sharp contrast to the white curtains.|黒い壁は白いカーテンときわだった対照をなしている
a good [a great] contrast to him|彼とはいい対照となる人.
① 〘美術〙コントラスト, 対照, 対比.
② (写真テレビ画面などの)コントラスト.
by [in] contrast
それに比べて, 対照的に.
副 詞

1 (…にとって)欠くことのできない, 必要欠くべからざる, 必須(ひっす)の⦅to, for ...⦆. ⇒NECESSARY[類語]
goods indispensable to [for] city life|都市生活の必需品.
2 〈約束義務規則などが〉無視できない, 避けられない
an indispensable duty|逃れられない義務.
━━名 詞必要不可欠な人[物].
ìndispènsabílity, ~ness
名 詞
副 詞必ず, ぜひとも.

hippie, -py/hípi/
名 詞ヒッピー(族):既成の文化政治性秩序からの完全自由を求めた1960年代から70年代の若者.

名 詞⦅米俗⦆お守り;魔力;麻薬.

whopper/hwάpər | wɔ́pə/
名 詞⦅略式⦆
1 とてつもなく大きいもの;大ぼら;うそ.
2⦅W-⦆ワッパー:Burger Kingの大型ハンバーガー.
3 打つ[殴る]人.

副 詞やけくそになって;必死になって, わずかの希望に望みをかけて;ひどく;猛烈に.