
23th June, 2012.

(▼発音注意)名 詞
1 (本論説などの)序文, 序論⦅to ...⦆(⇒APPENDIX 1);(演説などの)前置き, 前口上⦅to ...⦆. ⇒INTRODUCTION[類語]
write a preface to a book|本の序文を書く.
2 (…の)きっかけ, 発端⦅to ...⦆.

1 〈物事などが〉種々雑多な(ものからなる), 寄せ集めの
miscellaneous information|雑多な情報
miscellaneous property|種々の財産.
2 〈議論などが〉多岐にわたる;〈作家などが〉多才な.
[ラテン語miscellāneus (miscellus混ぜられた+-aneous)]

superb/supə́ːrb | sju-/
1 すばらしくりっぱな, 優秀な, 超一流の, とびきり上等の.
2 豪華な, ぜいたくな, 〈物が〉高価な;豪勢な, 〈景色などが〉壮大な, 〈建物などが〉堂々たる;威厳のある. ⇒MAGNIFICENT

形容詞(-bler, -blest;more 〜, most 〜)
1 謙そん[謙虚]な, 偉ぶらない, つつましやかな(⇔proud)
my humble advice [opinion]|⦅話し言葉おどけて⦆私のつまらない助言[卑見]
your humble servant|⦅古体⦆⦅手紙の結び⦆敬具
be humble about one's talents|自分の才能に謙虚である.
2 (自分の)卑小さを感じる, 劣等感を感じる.

動 詞•他動詞
1[III名 詞(副 詞)]⦅しばしば受身または〜 -self⦆〈人物を〉変装[偽装]させる;[V名 詞as名 詞]…を(…に)姿を変えさせる, 身をやつさせる
disguise oneself with [by wearing] a false mustache|つけひげで変装する
disguise him in woman's clothes|彼を女装させる
The princess was disguised as an old woman.|王女は老女に身をやつした.
2 〈事実意図感情などを〉外観を変えて偽る, 隠す, 顔色に出さない
disguise one's age|年齢を偽る
disguise one's voice|作り声をする
disguise one's anger with a calm look|平静な顔つきをして怒りを隠す
disguise one's sorrow by appearing cheerful|陽気をよそおって悲しみを隠す.

slog/slάɡ | slɔ́ɡ/
⦅略式⦆動 詞(〜ged, 〜ging)他動詞
1 (ボクシングクリケットなどで)…を強打する.
2 …を殴って追いたてる.
1 強打する.
2 (…を)重い足どりで歩く, 苦労して進む⦅on, through ...⦆;⦅英国用法⦆(…に)精を出す⦅on, away/at ...⦆
I've been slogging away at this book for two years.|この本を書くのに2年間精を出している.
slog it out
slog one's way

(1) This picture was taken by Ken.
Ken took this picture.

(2) The window was opened by Tom.
Tom opened the window.

(1) Ken made this desk.
This desk was dame by Ken.

(2) The students learn English.
English was learned by the students.

(3) The storm washed the shrine away.
The shrine was washed away by the storm.

(1) その少年はケンと呼ばれている。
This boy is called Ken.

(2) この本はブラウンさんによって書かれた。
This book was written by Mr. Brown.

(1) Baseball is played by Japanese students.
Is baseball played Japanese students?

(2) The man was helped by his wife.
The man was not[was't] helped by his wife.

(3) Did Ken use this computer?
Was this computer used by Ken?

(4) Mark didn’t read this book.
This book wasn't read by Mark.

(5) Does Yumi wash her car?
Is her car washed by Yumi?

(6) Is that song sung by young people?
Do young people sing that song?

(7) Was this cake made by his mother?
Did his mother make this cake?

(8) Yumi wasn’t injured by Ken.
Ken didn't injure Yumi.

That church was built fifty years ago?
When was the shrine washed away by a storm?

1) The ground was covered with the snow.
* be covered with…

2) The singer is knows to the people all over the world.
* be known to...

3) This cat is made of a paper.
* be made of もの

4) This CD player isn't made in Japan.
* be made in 国/地域

5) We are interested in watching the soccer game.
* be interested in...

6) They were surprised at thelizard
* Be surprised at

(1) あなたの国では英語が教えられていますか。
Is English taught in your country?

(2) この建物はいつ建てられたのですか。
When was this building built?

(3) この歌は若い人たちに好まれていますか。
IS this song liked by young people?

(4) このコンピュータは昨日は使われませんでした。
This computer wasn't used by yesterday.